Professional Negligence | Curtis Parkinson
Professional Negligence

Professional Negligence

We have a strong reputation for recovering compensation in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire for claims against professionals, either due to negligence, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, or breach of trust.


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As professionals ourselves, we understand how devastating it can be to be let down by someone in whom you’ve put your trust.
It is natural to think that someone who is offering professional services such as an accountant, chartered surveyor or even solicitor, should be both diligent, proficient and above all, honest in what they do and the services they provide.

When this fails due to negligence, breach of contract or trust, Curtis Parkinson has an excellent reputation for recovering damages for both individuals and commercial claims across Nottingham and the wider area.

Recovering Compensation

Prior to the replacement of the Legal Complaints Service by the Legal Ombudsman, Curtis Parkinson partner and solicitor, Roger Pitts, was a member of the Legal Complaints Service negligence panel. It was to this panel that complainants were referred to for advice on possible claims. This led to Roger helping a large number of people gain compensation for negligence as well as managing the defence of hundreds of companies. As a result, Roger’s experience in this area is exceptional.

If you feel that you have suffered due to professional negligence or if your company needs defending against an unjust claim, speak to our team. We’re here to help.

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Member of the World Association of Notaries Certified Cyber Essentials