September 2023 | Curtis Parkinson
Why You Need a Health & Welfare LPA

Why You Need a Health & Welfare LPA

Greater emphasis is often placed on the financial implications of not having a Property and Finance Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). However, understanding the benefits of making a Health and Welfare LPA is just as important. Whilst both types of LPA allow individuals to give someone they trust the ability to make decisions, the reasons […]

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Aretha Franklin’s Handwritten Note is a Valid Will

After four years of battling through the courts, the Michigan jury deliberating over two handwritten documents in mid-July decided that Aretha Franklin’s four-page note discovered under a sofa cushion should serve as her valid Will. Intestacy When Ms. Franklin died in 2018, aged 76, no Will was found, so her four children assumed the multi-million-dollar […]

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