0115 964 7740 - law@curtisparkinson.com

New Pre-action Protocol For Debt Claims
The Pre-action Protocol for debt claims comes into force on Sunday 1 October 2017 and will potentially have a severe impact on a business if it has outstanding debts due from individuals and sole traders because of the delays that are built into this protocol. The Protocol applies to any creditor business (in limited form, […]
continue readingThree Different Ways Of Marketing & Selling Your Property
When selling your house, choosing the best way to market it is a top priority. Traditionally, the first instinct would more than likely be to get in touch with an estate agent or auctioneer, depending on the type of property and its condition. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages to each and there are now […]
continue readingChallenging Wills – Reasonable Provision / Maintenance
Challenging Wills Challenging wills and contentious probate is a growing area. Recently an estranged daughter successfully contested her late mother’s Will for lack of maintenance provision against three charities. I will now provide my opinion on the case and how the mother could have ensured her testamentary wishes were respected. This article will be in […]
continue readingJoint Accounts – What if the joint holder becomes mentally incapable?
You would assume that if one account holder loses capacity that the other can carry on using the account – yes? No – in England and Wales, banks and building societies have a discretion to freeze or restrict the operation of the account to essential transactions (i.e. bills, care fees and living expenses). If the […]
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